Jan 28, 2020
Dr. Troy Amdahl and Dr. Dave Braun, also know as “The Oola Guys,” have started a movement of their own—Oola—which grew out of their international best-seller, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. After successful careers as chiropractors, they set out on a new adventure, building a business to help others...
Jan 21, 2020
Are you a giver? Giving feels good, and those of us who are innately of the giving type know this, because our desire to give to others helps them, and helps us in the process. Today’s episode is about the power of reciprocity, which starts with the wish to share your talents with the world, and having the openness to...
Jan 14, 2020
I love to learn, and I consider myself to be a lifelong student. Though I often talk about becoming the authority in your field, the way to maintain that is through continuing to learn and grow yourself. Today’s episode is all about seeking out powerful learning experiences, and always asking what we can do to push...
Jan 7, 2020
Creating and clarifying the vision for what you want to do in your life is absolutely key. Carey Conley has had an incredibly interesting life, and it has been guided by the vision that she set out for herself many years ago, about how she wanted to live, work, and be the world. She has built her career coaching...