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The Play Big Movement

Apr 28, 2020

Angel Tuccy was a stay-at-home mom who eventually wanted more. She discovered her passion for helping people navigate the constantly changing media landscape and has never looked back. Tune into this episode to hear her story and hopefully be inspired to make your big impact as well. To find out about what Angel and...

Apr 21, 2020

In this solo episode, I discuss the importance of recognizing this current period of downtime as a rare opportunity to hit the reset button on anything that isn’t working in your life. I share some critical tips about how to reorient your mindset so it's in alignment with your new goals and how you can...

Apr 14, 2020

In this episode, I’m talking about another incredibly important concept from Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting The Devil,” and that is the dangers of hypnotic rhythm, which occurs when we let fear occupy our minds and encourage us to develop bad habits like sitting around watching Netflix all day. Even during a...

Apr 7, 2020

This week is a solo episode to talk about something I feel is very important as we all navigate the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s some of the core teachings from the Napolean Hill book “Outwitting The Devil.” Written right after his classic “Think And Grow Rich” but not published until after his death, the...