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The Play Big Movement

Sep 28, 2021

Jake and Gino are experts in multifamily real estate investing and have created financial freedom through their strategic investments. Their real estate company currently controls over $100,000,000 in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino community to help others reach the same level of success...

Sep 21, 2021

Tom Mathews is the Senior Executive Vice Chairman of the World Financial Group, as well as the Founder and CEO of WealthWave, a company that teaches financial literacy to families so they can achieve their dreams. Tom and I chat about how he initially started out in accounting but discovered the path of his career when...

Sep 18, 2021

Today’s guest Dr. Carol Poore has been making an impact in Arizona for many years, working as Vice Provost at Arizona State University and as the President and CEO of Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS. Most recently, she’s been helping organizing create a meaningful strategic plan for their future based on their past....

Sep 11, 2021

Sharon hosts a special podcast about the key to building a lasting and happy marriage. She tells the beautiful story about how she met her husband many years ago, how they withstood in the face of adversity, and the ways in which they continue to have a loving, respectful and joyous relationship. Sharon gives her...